A Social Enterprise for Incremental Housing

This project is the result of a deeper investigation of a location-specific response that aimed to meet the needs of a community living in a high-rise building. The proposal took form of an independent grid structure as an addition to the existing building and allowed incremental expansion of living/working space. It was conceived as a combination of a subsidized fixed »support« structure and self-funded flexible »infill« system.

The transferable principles and mechanisms behind the operational and spatial model have now been further explored. The concept of social enterprise has been adopted as a framework where a housing program is also an income generator and a source of knowledge creation. By starting a production process of prefabricated construction elements from locally available recycling materials it expands livelihood options. And with the development of self-funding, design, construction, management and maintenance skills it also acts as a platform for empowerment and capacity building.

The social enterprise is a multi-stakeholder structure of equal members based on democratic decision-making processes and participatory dynamics for the production of goods/services on a continuous basis. But instead of maximizing profit the aim is to serve the community – part of the production surplus needs to be reinvested in the benefit of people (subsidies) /development of community based activities.

Using existing social structures (The Alliance, KRVIA, NIRMAN) as facilitators in negotiations with regional and municipal authorities, the social enterprise transforms the involved low income residents from beneficiaries to partners with rights, opportunities and obligations.

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