Integrative Street Extensions: New Social Hubs

Currently there are heightened levels of social exclusion and disassociation between the communities within Dharavi and wider Mumbai. This is ironic as 80% of Mumbai’s economic turnover is produced by the thriving leather tanning, pottery, recycling, and service industries operating in Dharavi, itself an area of prime retail value.

The intervention will extend the dynamic streets of Dharavi out to the peripheries and create linkages with wider Mumbai thus allowing nodes of interaction between the divided communities to become ‘social hubs’. The streets will capture the unique character of the diverse livelihoods and services that Dharavi has to offer to attract the neighbouring citizens of Mumbai.

Through incremental development of community nodes at both ends, the streets will facilitate the crossover of communities otherwise devoid of social interaction. While the streets are constructed the nodes will create a sense of celebration and stimulate mutual interest. The aim is to create a catalyst for a seamless integration with the rest of the city thus allowing for a sense of acknowledgment and appreciation of Dharavi’s contribution and existence within Mumbai.


About Sadiqa Jabbar

Salams/Hi there! my name is Sadiqa Jabbar and I am an Architect and Urban Designer at MEB Design Ltd. My architectural interests lie in sustainable projects that benefit the community at large with a positive social impact; projects that make a difference to people no matter the scale. My experiences at various architectural firms and stint at freelancing have drawn me to schemes in a variety of sectors most notably community, education, healthcare, residential and ecclesiastical. My research has enabled me to appreciate the sensitivities of communities in London, Delhi, Karachi, and Bangkok.
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2 Responses to Integrative Street Extensions: New Social Hubs

  1. Jo says:

    An interesting starting point and what would your course of action be in terms of stages. The Proposal is sound but of course analysing it in terms of implementation will inevitably bring to light situations you can never fully predict. The human element would be my main focus. Have you got statistics of the psychological impact of similar proposals.

  2. Pingback: Integrative Street Extensions: New Social Hubs | Sadiqa Jabbar Projects

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