Railway Dwellers Business- social mobile hubs:


The closer to the railways ,the more improvised the building.

The methodology that promotes my proposal revolves around the idea of crafting a process for designing new urban forms, rather than crafting a singular object in the urban environment in Dharavi. The proposal is not a resolved architectural object, but rather points in greater networks of social space and urban discourse, exploiting loophole and uncertainties, attempt to allow more groups of people freedom of action. On addition to planting these nodes in the heart of Dharavi I have chosen to focus on the boundary lands which are the most vulnerable and open space in Dharavi. The battle for space in the city will always occur along the railways since these long land borders are difficult to defend since the railways clear illegal constructions in their fields, within a very short time. There are spaces along the border of Dharavi against the railway which have been used as garbage dumping and also there are spaces where people of Dharavi use due to the lack of open space for their businesses such as cloth colouring or urban farming. These territories are narrow and elongated, the boundaries of their area is above average length.

 The intervention is a node that will introduce quality to the area and connect Dharavi to unused economic potentials and would create more productivity to the area since there is a lack of commercial space in Dharavi. This light weight touches could create a total impact with the surrounding activities and would attract people from outside of Dharavi to access these goods via the railway. It would also give another meaning to the railway boundaries of Dharavi with a lot of flexibility and this question would come in to mind that what if the public programmes aren’t stationary?
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